Monday, December 21, 2009

Pawn of Prophecy

Hey everyone!

Good news! I'm posting. Just kidding, that wasn't my news. My news is that I think I fixed our stupid Hindu translation problem. (I don't think they're Hindu, but whatever.) So yay! Things will be in English!

So anyway, a while back I read Pawn of Prophecy by David Eddings. In a word... incredible. I was absolutely hooked. There are five books in all: Pawn of Prophecy, Queen of Sorcery, Magician's Gambit, Castle of Wizardry, and Enchanter's End Game - all of which are equally incredible. I read the whole series in about a week. I can't tell you much of the story because it would seriously ruin it. :( Basically, there are the good guys and the bad guys and they all have different powers and assets, and they end up in an epic battle and so on... if you've read fantasy, you've read that pattern before, I'm sure. This was a really fun book that included many personalities and many relatable characters. When I say relatable, I mean characters that you would want to be similar to. That is always cool. The books really draw you in and make you desperately connected to the adventures and fates of the characters.

If you need an awesome journey into a fantastical world, I would definitely recommend Pawn of Prophecy and the rest! Although these were fairly easy reads, if you are younger, I would have an older sibling read them first and make sure that all of the content is a-okay! I hope you enjoy! I really want everyone to read at least the first book so that I can make sure that I'm not just biased. Thanks!!


5/5 Recommended